There is no such thing as the "average modern woman" and neither is there an "average Muslimah".
Every woman has her own personal experiences, beliefs and concerns. Nevertheless, women are often united by certain issues that are important to them, particularly as Muslim women.
In this section you'll find some resources to help you handle issues such as health, employment, relationships and more.
If you have a legal problem it can be difficult to know who to turn to for advice and representation. You may be eligible for legal aid and can get free representation, or a lawyer may take on your case without charge. Follow these links to see where your case fits.
Law Centres
Each local centre provides free legal advice to local people and will often also offer representation services.
Community Legal Services Direct
General information on many areas of law, finding legal advice and whether you qualify for legal aid.
Rights of Women
Free information and advice on issues affecting women, such as relationship breakdown, children and harassment from female lawyers. Check the opening times of their helpline.
Wherever you are in your career or if you are still in education, a little advice and practical information can be invaluable, even inspirational. Try these websites:
The government's guide to student finance and a job search tool with vacancy listings from all over the UK
Careers Guide
This site includes profiles of a huge variety of different jobs so you can decide what might suit you, as well as also having a vacany listings section.
A bit of extra information can be a great for your peace of mind or to help you know who to turn to for more assistance or specialist treatment, although of course your GP should always be your first contact.
Things never go completely smoothly where housing is concerned. Don't get down though. Find out more about your situation and how to fix problems with these online resources, or find an advice centre near you for expert help.
The Citizens' Advice Bureau
Find your local bureau and book an appointment or call up for advice over the telephone. The advisors will be able to tell you about your housing options or how you can solve a problem you might have with a housemate, landlord or neighbour. All advice is completely confidential.
Shelter (England and Wales)
This is another great source of advice on all kinds of issues relating to housing. If you are facing homelessness then many emergency housing providers require you to be referred by an advice provider. Use Shelter's Advice Services Directory to find one close to you.
Shelter (Scotland)
This is another great source of advice on all kinds of issues relating to housing. If you are facing homelessness then many emergency housing providers require you to be referred by an advice provider. Use Shelter's Advice Services Directory to find one close to you.
Knowing your rights, as well as a few cheeky tips, can help you make the most of your money.
It's surprising what a difference it can make to just talk about a problem. Sometimes all you need it someone to open up to. If you feel you need more help then your GP will be able to recommend a suitable service. Have a look at these sites to see who is out there wanting to help you:
The most well-established and respected relationship counselling service in the UK. Although Relate charge for all their counselling services, the website includes information addressing a number of common problems.
The Muslim Youth Helpline
0808 808 2008 (free from UK landlines)
a free and confidential emotional support service available nationally via the telephone, email, internet and through the post. The service uses male and female volunteers trained in active listening and basic listening skills to respond to client enquiries.